Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Anybody know any good, tasty vegetarian soup recipes?

The question says it all :]Anybody know any good, tasty vegetarian soup recipes?
Not really. I don't know what kind of soup you want. Thick? Thin? Chunky? Smooth?

Easiest soup ever:

Saute a chopped onion in olive oil (or some other fat) over medium-low heat until it starts to get soft. Add a couple of cloves of pressed/minced garlic and stir around some more. You want it soft and smelling great but not brown. If you're going to make carrot and/or squash soup, toss in some chopped peeled ginger with the garlic.

Add some chopped, peeled veggies. Carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash... whatever. Immediately cover with hot veggie stock or with water. Bring the heat up until it starts bubbling, then turn it down and cover it. Forget about it mostly. Just stir it now and then, adding more stock or water if it looks like it's going dry. Periodically try to squish some of the veggies with your spoon. Once they're really soft, take the pan off the stove and remove the lid. Put it (solids and liquids) through a blender along with some fresh herbs. Mint is great with carrots.

Return it to the pot and add more liquid if you want a thinner soup. (At this point, you can add milk/cream or dairy alternative if you'd like, just don't let it boil if you do.) Season (salt, miso, tamari, more herbs, pepper, more fat... up to you).

Ta-da! Easy soup!

I recently make fake chicken soup. I had a huge pot of veggie stock that I'd made, so I sauteed a shallot, an onion, a few leeks, some carrots, some celery, and some garlic in canola oil (I wanted a vegan soup or I would've used butter). Once I had everything in there, I added all of the stock and simmered it until it was how I wanted it. It just needed salt and pepper (I'd used a lot of herbs in the stock). I'm going to toss in some pasta when I re-heat it for noodley soup.Anybody know any good, tasty vegetarian soup recipes?
Recipe: Artichoke Soup

This garlicky artichoke soup is very easy to make.

Yield 4-6 servings

Time 30 minutes

Tools heavy saucepan with lid

wooden spoon

blender or food processor

Ingredients 6 artichoke hearts (fresh, frozen, or jarred)*

3 cloves garlic, chopped

3 T butter

1 potato, peeled (optional) and diced

4 c vegetable stock



Directions Heat T butter over medium heat, and saut茅 the artichoke hearts and garlic, stirring frequently, until golden.

Add potato and stock, bring to a boil, lower heat, cover, and simmer about 10 minutes, until the veggies are tender.

Blend potato and artichokes with a little bit of the cooking liquid until smooth. Transfer back to the pan, season with salt and pepper, stir the pur茅e into the remaining liquid, and reheat.

Serve immediately.

Notes *Fresh artichokes: pull off the leaves, trim out the hairy choke, and blanch for a minute or two in boiling water with 2 T of lemon juice.

Frozen artichokes: thaw and drain well before using.

Jarred artichokes: make sure they are just in water, not marinated.

This recipe, originally called ';Pur茅ed Artichoke Soup with Garlic,'; or Pur茅e d'artichauts in French, was adapted from The Vegetarian Bistro: 250 authentic French regional recipes, by Marlena Spieler.

Recipe: Carrot Vichyssoise

Rich, cold, and a lovely shade of orange, carrot vichyssoise swirled with a balsamic reduction will impress your friends and delight your tastebuds - only you will know how simple it is to prepare.

Yield 4 servings

Time 45 minutes to prepare plus 4 hours to chill

Tools Dutch oven or large saucepan with lid

wooden spoon


large container with lid

small saucepan

small container with lid

Ingredients 3 c vegetable stock

1 large russet potato, peeled and diced

1录 c carrots, thinly sliced

white part of 1 leek, cleaned and thinly sliced

1 c half-and-half


white pepper

陆 c balsamic vinegar

1 T dark molasses

Directions Place stock and vegetables on Dutch oven over high heat. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover, and simmer about 25 minutes, until very tender.

Pur茅e in blender in batches, until smooth. Pour into container, add half-and-half, salt, and pepper, cover, and refrigerate at least 4 hours, until chilled.

In small saucepan over medium heat, simmer vinegar and molasses, stirring occasionally, about 8 minutes, until syrupy and reduced in half. Place in container, cover, and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Ladle soup into bowls, drizzle with balsamic reduction, and serve.

Recipe: Cucumber Soup

This chilled soup is delicious on a hot summer day.

Yield 4-6 servings

Time 1 hour

Tools Grater


Wooden spoon

Ingredients 4 c cucumber, peeled, seeded, and grated

2 c water

2 c yogurt

陆 - 1 t salt

small clove garlic, minced

1 T fresh dill

1 T honey (optional)

fresh herbs for garnish (e.g., mint, chives), minced

Directions Mix everything but the garnish in a bowl. Chill for at least an hour, then serve topped with herbs.

Recipe: Lettuce Soup

It sounds a little weird to make soup out of salad ingredients, but this beautiful cold soup is light and refreshing.

Yield 4 servings

Time 5 minutes (plus time to chill)

Tools blender

container with lid

Ingredients 4 c Boston or Bibb lettuce, torn

2 c baby spinach, stemmed

1 c fresh parsley

1/3 c shallot, onion, and/or garlic, chopped

戮 c yogurt

2 T lemon juice

2 c vegetable stock



optional garnish: very thin slices of radish, carrot, and/or cucumber

Directions Place everything except garnish in the blender and process until smooth.

Refrigerate at least three hours, until just before serving. Taste and adjust seasonings.

happy to help!!!!
You would really have to try hard to make a vegetarian soup that isn't tasty.


- Dice up one onion, 2 cloves garlic and one bell pepper fry till soft in a little oid, add to soup pot 1/2 full of gently boiling water.

- Dice up any veggies you have and add to the pot.

- Dice up a potato and add that to the pot too.

- After about 40 minutes add one 16oz can of diced tomatoes, season to taste, and cook a bit longer.
You need a blender for my favourite:

Cream of Curried Carrot

3 cups chopped %26amp; peeled carrots

1 large diced onion

1 tbsp curry powder/garam masala

1 tbsp butter or oil

1/2 cup heavy cream or yogurt (soy yogurt works fine, too)

1 bouillon cube + 3 cups water OR 3 cups of broth

1 tbsp lemon juice

In a large saucepan, saute the curry powder and onion in butter 'til the onion browns. Deglaze the pot with the broth/water, and add the carrots. Simmer the carrots until soft. Taste the broth, and if it needs more, add curry powder to taste.

Remove from heat and place everything into the blender, with the cream/yogurt and lemon juice. Puree til soft. If you want, add salt, pepper, and a drizzle of honey if at the end, to taste.

It's delicious with thick slices of whole wheat bread.
My favorite is tomato, and I did my spin on it.

Put water into a pan and start cooking,

Add cut carrots, cellery, root of a parsley

I add Vegeta (it's a powder with dried veggies) 1 spoon

Let it cook until it starts boiling and then add cup of wild rice (usually cooks in about 20 minutes)

Let it cook for 10 minutes and add 2-3 cups of frozen shelled edamame and cook until the rice is ready

Then add 1 can of tomato paste and add some pepper and salt and let it boiled for a minute

That's it.
Fire in the hole chicken soup...can leave out the chicken...or the kill ya or cure ya chicken soup...can be made industrial strength or mild.

is a recipe I thought up years ago when half the county was down with a bad bug... it is basically jewish chicken soup idea with a mexican cousin..

I posted it a work where half the crew was gone or turning green everyone must have read it and made it that night..there where more live ones the next day and the soup kept us going...


big pot of water, all kinds of veg,( no chicken) use more potatoes or brown rice and make it a chowder, chop up all kinds of the aromatic veg...onions, peppers,(1) jalapenos,celery, horse radish, garlic,lots of...(the spices all hot ones from the cupboard)

the heat of these combined will take care of the head and chest cold...

crackers, sour dough bread, and a good lemonade work well with it ....

or an emergency version to keep on hand.....from bulk food section...

the dehydrated veg soup mix, instant rice,and what ever other hot items that can be combined,...package it in a jar or large zip lock for the half dead flu thing can put water in pot and the bag and call it good.

hide 3 or 4 cans of mixed veg to throw in it... is a helpful food item when half dead.....
Check out

And Sarah Kramer and Tanya Barnard's ';How it All Vegan!'; has a recipe for a lovely tomato-based lentil soup.
Potato and leek soup..

A great favourite recipe for me... And so easy and tasty!!!

They have heaps of recipes for vegetarians on yahoo....
I like pumpkin soup

cook potatoes and pumpkin, smash a bit, add salt and some green leaves (spices) or/and dill, sour cream will makes all thing better.

I just tend to throw a bunch of veggies in a pot of water, with some garlic and spices. It usually tastes great.

its so good

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