Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm looking for recipes for canning soup using beef soup bones?

I have tons of veggies, pasta, beef soup bones, plenty of jars, lids and a pressure cooker. I just need recipes! I have nothing!

I have never canned soup before. But I have canned homemade giardineira and salsa and pickled peppers.I'm looking for recipes for canning soup using beef soup bones?
Here is one to share with you.


For ingredients, you shall prepare Beef bones with marrow, 5 pounds of beef, cut in chunks (steak is best), 4 pounds of beef fat run through chili plate, 6 large onions, 1 to 2 stalks celery (cut in chunks), 3 to 4 bell peppers (chopped), 1 garlic, 3 large cans of tomato soup 2 to 3 cup of rice, 1 pkg. (1 1/2 lbs.) elbow macaroni, 3 large Irish potatoes (cut in chunks), salt, pepper, season to taste, 2 c. sugar

The making :

Prepare a big pot to cook it. Put about 1.5 gallons water in pot. Put beef bones, beef fat and beef in water and cook until meat is tender and meat around bones is cooked. Stir at intervals.

Remove bones, add onions, celery, peppers, garlic and continue to cook. Add tomato can soup. Stir at intervals.

Cook rice and macaroni in another pot. When cooked, set aside. Add Irish potatoes, lower the heat and cook enough for potatoes to hold shape. Keep mass stirred, adding rice and macaroni. Add sugar last thing with heat turned off. Let stand a few minutes and serve. This will feed 15 to 20 people. Leftovers may be frozen for future use. To serve heat in double boiler.

You can have more easy making and tasty soup recipes at http://www.soup-master.com/more-soup-rec鈥?/a>I'm looking for recipes for canning soup using beef soup bones?
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,

but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.';

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