Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Do you know good baby soup recipes?

rice, carrots, lentils, and chicken breast.

first boil the chicken breast in water, then add the rice and let it boil until the rice is really soft. Boil the lentils separately, and when it's also soft and ready, mix it with the chicken and rice. Add carrots and let them all mix. Add oil, salt, and spices.

Before feeding the baby, cut the chicken breast into very little baby bite size pieces. The chicken and rice juice is really really good for the baby.

That is what I was fed on, and my mom showed me because it's a very healthy food for my babies too.Do you know good baby soup recipes?
Any soup recipe minus strong seasoning/added salt and with any whole ingrdients pureed.Do you know good baby soup recipes?
6 cups warm water, 2 carrots fine chopped, 1 celery stock chopped, 1 peeled potato chopped into little cubes and chicken or beef broth 2 tablespoons.

boil then turn down with lid on pot. low heat for about 1 hour.

Then just before ready add 1 hand full peas.

You can freeze left over up to 1 month in air tight container.

Don't add salt or pepper. (As babies don't need)

Can use rice if want.
do you realy want baby and soup to be friends right now? YOU have to change the diaper.Making baby food is great, don't get me wronge but stick to mushed stuff, those diapies will be bad enough!
Just about any soup, minus the strong seasonings. Just buzz it in the blender.

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